My great Buddy,one of our most picturesque photos taken in Isla Gigantes and Sipalay
Bantigue Sand bar, Gigantes island Norte in Northern iloilo.
Kayak for two at Antonia beach island Gigantes,for 200pesos very clear green and blue water.Cabugao dako view at the back.
Cabugao gamay,one of the most picturesque view on top of stone.Had some trail fro down before you can reach the top.
Tangke lagoon,its a salt water sorrounded by rocks.Much better to go here during high tide as water comes up also.
Photos taken at Parola,lighthouse,Gigante norte,Uaydajon island at the back.
Parola lighthouse
Bantigue sandbar perfect for hopping😊as well,Cabugao gamay view at the back.